Traynor, K. S., J. S. Pettis, D. R. Tarpy, C. A. Mullin, J. L. Frazier, M. Frazier, and D. vanEngelsdorp. 2016. In-hive Pesticide Exposome: Assessing risks to migratory honey bees from in-hive pesticide contamination in the Eastern United States. Scientific Reports 6: 33207.
Traynor, K. S., K. Rennich, E. Forsgren, R. Rose, J. Pettis, G. Kunkel, S. Madella, J. Evans, D. Lopez, and D. vanEngelsdorp. 2016. Multiyear survey targeting disease incidence in US honey bees. Apidologie 47: 325-347.
Pettis, J. S., N. Rice, K. Joselow, D. vanEngelsdorp, and V. Chaimanee. 2016. Colony Failure Linked to Low Sperm Viability in Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Queens and an Exploration of Potential Causative Factors. Plos One 11.
Seitz, N., Traynor, K. S., Steinhauer, N., Rennich, K., Wilson, M. E., Ellis, J. D., … vanEngelsdorp, D. 2016. A national survey of managed honey bee 2014–2015 annual colony losses in the USA. Journal of Apicultural Research, 0(0), 1–12.
Lee, K., N. Steinhauer, K. Rennich, M. Wilson, D. Tarpy, D. Caron, R. Rose, K. Delaplane, K. Baylis, E. Lengerich, J. Pettis, J. Skinner, J. Wilkes, R. Sagili, and D. vanEngelsdorp. 2015. A national survey of managed honey bee 2013–2014 annual colony losses in the USA. Apidologie DOI: 10.1007/s13592-015-0356-z. 1-14.
Chen, Y. P., J. S. Pettis, M. Corona, W. P. Chen, C. J. Li, M. Spivak, P. K. Visscher, G. DeGrandi-Hoffman, H. Boncristiani, Y. Zhao, D. vanEngelsdorp, K. Delaplane, L. Solter, F. Drummond, M. Kramer, W. I. Lipkin, G. Palacios, M. C. Hamilton, B. Smith, S. K. Huang, H. Q. Zheng, J. L. Li, X. Zhang, A. F. Zhou, L. Y. Wu, J. Z. Zhou, M. L. Lee, E. W. Teixeira, Z. G. Li, and J. D. Evans. 2014. Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus: Epidemiology, Pathogenesis and Implications for Honey Bee Health. Plos Pathogens 10. DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004261.
Rose, R., J. S. Pettis, K. Rennich, and D. vanEngelsdorp. 2014. A US national survey of honey bee pests and diseases. OIE Bulletin 2014: 71-74.
Steinhauer, N. A., K. Rennich, M. E. Wilson, D. M. Caron, E. J. Lengerich, J. S. Pettis, R. Rose, J. A. Skinner, D. R. Tarpy, J. T. Wilkes, D. vanEngelsdorp, and the Bee Informed Partnership. 2014. A national survey of managed honey bee 2012-2013 annual colony losses in the USA: results from the Bee Informed Partnership. Journal of Apicultural Research 53: 1-18.
Pirk, C. W. W., H. Human, R. M. Crewe, and D. vanEngelsdorp. 2014. A survey of managed honey bee colony losses in the Republic of South Africa-2009 to 2011. Journal of Apicultural Research 53: 35-42.
Pettis, J. S., R. Rose, E. M. Lichtenberg, P. Chantawannakul, N. Buawangpong, W. Somana, P. Sukumalanand, and D. vanEngelsdorp. 2013. Rapid Survey Technique for Tropilaelaps Mite (Mesostigmata: Laelapidae) Detection. Journal of Economic Entomology 106: 1535-1544
Pettis J. S., E. M.Lichtenberg, M. Andree, J. Stitzinger, R. Rose, and D. vanEngelsdorp. 2013. Crop Pollination Exposes Honey Bees to Pesticides Which Alters Their Susceptibility to the Gut Pathogen Nosema ceranae. PloS ONE 8: e70182.
Tarpy, D. R., D. vanEngelsdorp,and J. S. Pettis. (2013). Genetic diversity affects colony survivorship in commercial honey bee colonies. Naturwissenschaften, 100: 723-728.
vanEngelsdorp,D., E. Lengerich, A. Spleen, B. Dainat, J. Cresswell, K. Baylis, B. K. Nguyen,V. Soroker, R. Underwood, H. Human, Y. Le Conte, and C. Saegerman. 2013. Standard epidemiological methods to understand and improve Apis mellifera health. Journal of Apicultural Research 52.
Spleen, A. M., E.J. Lengerich, K. Rennich, D. Caron, R. Rose, J. S. Pettis, M. Henson, J. T. Wilkes, M. Wilson, J. Stitzinger, K. Lee, M. Andree, R. Snyder, D. vanEngelsdorp, and P. Bee Informed. 2013. A national survey of managed honey bee 2011-12 winter colony losses in the United States: results from the Bee Informed Partnership. Journal of Apicultural Research 52.
de Graaf, D. C., A.M. Alippi, K. Antunez, K. A. Aronstein, G. Budge, D. De Koker, L. De Smet, D. W. Dingman, J. D. Evans, L. J. Foster, A. Funfhaus, E. Garcia-Gonzalez, A. Gregorc, H. Human, K. D. Murray, B. K. Nguyen, L. Poppinga, M. Spivak, D. vanEngelsdorp, S. Wilkins, and E. Genersch. 2013. Standard methods for American foulbrood research. Journal of Apicultural Research 52.
Cornman, R. S., H Boncristiani, B. Dainat, Y. P. Chen, D. vanEngelsdorp, D. Weaver, and J.D. Evans. 2013. Population-genomic variation within RNA viruses of the Western honey bee, Apis mellifera, inferred from deep sequencing. Bmc Genomics 14.
vanEngelsdorp, D., D. R. Tarpy, E. J. Lengerich, and J. S. Pettis. 2013. Idiopathic brood disease syndrome and queen events as precursors of colony mortality in migratory beekeeping operations in the eastern United States. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 108: 225-233.
Cornman, R. S., D. R. Tarpy, Y. Chen, L. Jeffreys, D. Lopez, J. S. Pettis, D. vanEngelsdorp, and J. D. Evans. 2012. Pathogen Webs in Collapsing Honey Bee Colonies. PloS ONE 7: e43562.
vanEngelsdorp,D., D. R. Tarpy, K. Baylis, M. Spivak, D. M. Caron, J. Connell, K. S. Delaplane, S. Donohue, W. Esaias, B. Gross, J. Hayes, Jr., E. J. Lengerich, J. Pettis, K. Rennich, R. Underwood, R. Rose, J. Skinner, and J. Wilkes. 2012. The Bee Informed Partnership: Using Beekeeper's Real-World Experience to Solve Beekeepers' Real-World Problems. American Entomologist 58: 116-118.
vanEngelsdorp, D., D. Caron, J. Hayes, R.Underwood, K. R. M. Henson, A. Spleen, M. Andree, R. Snyder, K. Lee, K. Roccasecca, M. Wilson, J. Wilkes, E. Lengerich, and J. Pettis. (2012). "A national survey of managed honey bee 2010-11 winter colony losses in the USA: results from the Bee Informed Partnership." Journal Apicultural Research 51(5): 115-124.
Boncristiani, H., R. Underwood, R. Schwarz, J. D.Evans, J. Pettis, and D. vanEngelsdorp. 2012. Direct effect of acaricides on pathogen loads and gene expression levels in honey bees Apis mellifera. Journal of Insect Physiology. 58:613-620 Research 51(5): 115-124.
Cresswell, J. E., N. Desneux, and D.vanEngelsdorp. 2012. Dietary traces of neonicotinoid pesticides as a cause of population declines in honey bees: an evaluation by Hill's epidemiological criteria. Pest Management Science. 68:819-827
Aebi, A., B. E. Vaissière, D. vanEngelsdorp, K. S. Delaplane, D. W. Roubik, and P. Neumann. 2012. Back to the future: Apis versus non-Apis pollination—a response to Ollerton et al. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 27: 142-143.
Dainat, B., D. vanEngelsdorp, and P. Neumann. 2012. Colony collapse disorder in Europe. Environmental Microbiology Reports 4: 123-125.
vanEngelsdorp, D., D. Caron, J. Hayes, R. Underwood, K. R. M. Henson, A. Spleen, M. Andree, R. Snyder, K. Lee, K. Roccasecca, M. Wilson, J. Wilkes, E. Lengerich, and J. Pettis. 2012. A national survey of managed honey bee 2010-11 winter colony losses in the USA: results from the Bee Informed Partnership. Journal of Apicultural Research 51: 115-124.
Pettis, J., D. vanEngelsdorp, J. Johnson, and G. Dively. 2012. Pesticide exposure in honey bees results in increased levels of the gut pathogen Nosema. Naturwissenschaften 99: 153-158.
Nguyen, B. K., M. Ribière, D. vanEngelsdorp, C. Snoeck, C. Saegerman, A. L. Kalkstein, F. Schurr, Y. Brostaux, J. Faucon and E. Haubruge 2011. Effects of honey bee virus prevalence, Varroa destructor load and queen condition on honey bee colony survival over the winter in Belgium. Journal of Apicultural Research 50:195-202.
vanEngelsdorp, D., R. Brodschneider, Y. Brostaux, R. van der Zee, L. Pisa, R. Underwood, E. J. Lengerich, A. Spleen, P. Neumann, S. Wilkins, G. E. Budge, S. Pietravalle, F. Allier, J. Vallon, H. Human, M. Muz, Y. Le Conte, D. Caron, K. Baylis, E. Haubruge, S. Pernal, A. Melathopoulos, C. Saegerman, J. S. Pettis, and B. K. Nguyen. 2011. Calculating and Reporting Managed Honey Bee Colony Losses, pp. 237-244. In Sammataro and Yoder [eds.], Honey Bee Colony Health: Challenges and Sustainable Solutions. CRC Press: Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
vanEngelsdorp, D., J. Hayes Jr, R. M. Underwood, D. Caron and J. S. Pettis. 2011 A survey of honey bee colony losses in the United States, fall 2009 to spring 2010. Journal of Apicultural Research. 50: 1-10.
Singh R., Kalkstein A.L., Rajotte E.G., Holmes E.C., Ostiguy N., vanEngelsdorp D., Lipkin W.I., dePamphilis C.W., Toth A.L., and Cox-Foster, D.L. 2010 RNA Viruses in Hymenopteran Pollinators: Evidence of Virus Transmission via Pollen and Potential Impact on Non-Apis Hymenopteran Species. PloS One. 5(12): e14357
vanEngelsdorp, D., N. Speybroeck, J. Evans, B. K. Nguyen, C. Mullin, M. Frazier, J. Frazier, D. Cox-Foster, Y. Chen, D. R. Tarpy, E. Haubruge, J. S. Pettis, and C. Saegerman. 2010. Weighing risk factors associated with bee Colony Collapse Disorder by classification and regression tree analysis. Journal of Economic Entomology. 103:1517-1523
Hunter, W., J. Ellis, D. vanEngelsdorp, J. Hayes, D. Westervelt, E. Glick, M. Williams, I. Sela, E. Maori, J. Pettis, D. Cox-Foster, N. Paldi. 2010. Large-scale field application of RNAi technology to reduce Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV) induced disease in honeybees (Apis mellifera, Hymenoptera: Apidae). PLOS Pathogens. 6(12): e1001160.
Nguyen, B. K., J. Mignon, D. Laget, D.C. de Graaf, F. J. Jacobs, D. vanEngelsdorp, Y. Brostaux, C. Saegerman, and E. Haubruge. 2010 Honey bee colony losses in Belgium during the 2008-2009 winter. Journal of Apicultural Research.49:337-339
Williams, G. R., D. R. Tarpy, D. vanEngelsdorp, M. P. Chauzat, D. L. Cox-Foster, K. S. Delaplane, P. Neumann, J. S. Pettis, R. E. L. Rogers, and D. Shutler. 2010. Colony Collapse Disorder in context. BioEssays. 32:845-846.
Donovall, L. R., and D. vanEngelsdorp. 2010. A Checklist of the Bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) of Pennsylvania. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 83: 7-24.C.
Mullin, M. Frazier, J. Frazier, S. Ashcraft, R. Simonds, D. vanEngelsdorp, and J. Pettis. 2010. High Levels of Miticides and Agrochemicals in North America Apiaries: Implications for Honey Bee Health. PLoS ONE. 5: e9754
vanEngelsdorp, D., J. Hayes Jr, R. M. Underwood, and J. S. Pettis. 2010. A survey of honey bee colony losses in the United States, fall 2008 to spring 2009. Journal of Apicultural Research. 49: 7-14.
vanEngelsdorp, D., and M. D. Meixner. 2010. Historical Review of Managed Honey Bee Populations in Europe and the United States and the Factors That May Affect Them. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 103: S80-S95.
vanEngelsdorp, D., and L. R. Donovall. 2009. Note: New Plant Host Record and First Record of the Burrower Bug Sehirus cinetus (Palisot de Beauvois)(Hemiptera: Cydnidae) Associating with Honey Bees, Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Proceedings of the Entomology Society of Washington. 111: 903-906.
vanEngelsdorp, D., J. D. Evans, C. Saegerman, C. Mullin, E. Haubruge, B. K. Nguyen, M. Frazier, J. Frazier, D. Cox-Foster, Y. Chen, R. Underwood, D. R. Tarpy, and J. S. Pettis. 2009. Colony Collapse Disorder: A Descriptive Study. PLoS ONE. 4: e6481.
vanEngelsdorp, D., J. D. Evans, L. Donovall, C. Mullin, M. Frazier, J. Frazier, D. R. Tarpy, J. Hayes Jr, and J. S. Pettis. 2009. "Entombed Pollen": A new condition in honey bee colonies associated with increased risk of colony mortality. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 101: 147-149.
vanEngelsdorp, D., S. Gebauer, R. Underwood. 2009. A Modified Two-queen System: “Tower” Colonies Allowing for Easy Drone Brood Removal for Varroa Mite Control. Science of Bee Culture. 1: 1-4.
vanEngelsdorp, D., J. Hayes, Jr., R. M. Underwood, and J. Pettis. 2008. A Survey of Honey Bee Colony Losses in the U.S., Fall 2007 to Spring 2008. PLoS ONE. 3: e4071.
Palacios, G., J. Hui, P.L. Quan, A. Kalkstein, K.S. Honkavuori, A.V. Bussetti, S. Conlan, J. Evans, Y.P. Chen, D. vanEngelsdorp, H. Efrat, J. Pettis, D. Cox-Foster, E.C. Holmes, T. Briese, W.I. Lipkin. 2008. Genetic analysis of Israel Acute Paralysis Virus: distinct clusters are circulating in the United States. Journal of Virology. 75: 7862-7865